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3 Reasons Why You Should Take Your Car in When the "Check Engine" Light Comes On

The "check engine" light has become an important early warning tool in automotive repairs. If your car's "check engine" light suddenly lights up, you should take your car or truck into the repair shop right away. Even if your vehicle appears to be running just fine, engine services at the repair shop can find just what is setting the light off.  If you need further encouragement, here are three reasons why you should respond right away to this situation.

The Timing Belt

The timing belt keeps the engine's camshafts opening and closing when they should. If the timing belt is about to snap, sensors pick up on the looseness of the belt and signal the onboard computer to flip on the engine light. If you continue to ignore the light, the belt eventually snaps and damages the crankshaft, camshafts, pistons, and/or cylinder walls. Suddenly, you have gone from what would have been about a hundred-dollar fix to thousands.

The Pistons

The pistons are what create force and energy inside your engine. If the pistons are not adequately lubricated because there is no oil or because the pistons are rusted out and breaking down inside the engine, guess what happens? Yes, exactly; the engine light goes on. Without the pistons, no power is delivered to the crankshaft, and the engine cannot start, or if it is running, it just dies. Your mechanic can open up this chamber and examine the pistons to determine if they are the cause for the "check engine" light.

The Carburetor

The carburetor creates a mix of air and gasoline, which is then injected into the engine and combusts to create energy. If your carburetor is going, your entire engine will suffer because your car will not get the combustible fuel it needs. Your "check engine" light will come on almost immediately after you turn the key in the ignition, and it will stay on the whole time you are driving. This is an especially dangerous situation because your carburetor could go at any second and drop your vehicle out of gear just about anywhere, including the highway.

The above examples are just a few examples of what could be wrong with your engine and what could happen. The "check engine" light is there for your safety. It is very rare for it to turn on just because there is a short in the wiring. Do not ignore the light; have your engine checked. For more information or assistance, visit resources like